Be it an individual videographer or a large media house, for you to focus on your core objective of video capturing, Video Caddy has developed a full-fledged in-house video editing capability that includes a huge pool of skilled resources, and the collection most recent video editing software.
With its best-in-class infrastructure, ISO quality standards, and multi-tier quality checks, Video Caddy ensures that your outsourced video editing projects are not hampered by lack of internal resources or infrastructure, and your final video is of the highest possible quality at a competitive cost.
Our simple three-step process is designed to ensure a speedy turnaround and significant cost savings, irrespective of the project parameters. Stringent quality checks are performed at each stage of the project's process, ensuring that the client's specifications are met throughout.
Providing exceptional quality to customers in the United States, Canada, Australia and many parts of Europe for over a decade, Video Caddy utilizes only highly-trained and experienced staff to ensure the highest possible quality on all projects. We understand your unique business needs and offer full-time dedicated video editors (FTE Resources) to work on your projects adhering to your defined project flows.
With our customized delivery model and 99.5% SLA adherence, we are proud to have worked with a large number of small media houses, entrepreneurs, film studios, and even Fortune 500 companies.